Ten foods dogs should not eat PART 02

Ten foods dogs should not eat

6- garlic

  • Garlic belongs to the same family as onions, but is more dangerous than it, it contains substances that are highly toxic to dogs. It affects red blood cells and turns urine orange.

7- grapes:

  • In addition to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite, grapes and raisins can cause rapid kidney failure in dogs. Kidney failure death can occur within three to four days.


  • It contains a toxic substance called "persin". In dogs, it can lead to stomach upset, difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation in the chest.

9- apple:

  • Apple venom causes dizziness, shortness of breath and even coma in dogs.

10- yeast dough:

  • Too much food causes intestinal tears, abdominal pain and lethargy.

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