5 Human-Centered Signs to Predict an Earthquake: Key to Surviving a Devastating Earthquake..2nd parts

5 Human-Centered Signs to Predict an Earthquake

5 Human-Centered Signs to Predict an Earthquake: Key to Surviving a Devastating Earthquake

Earthquake Image

3. Pungent Smells

Sometimes earthquakes are accompanied by strong and unpleasant smells, such as the smell of sulfur or rotten eggs. These smells are caused by the release of gases from underground, which can indicate the build-up of pressure beneath the Earth's surface. If you notice an odor that you can't explain, evacuate the area immediately.

4. Weather Changes

It's important to note that earthquakes can also be predicted by changes in the weather. Before an earthquake, there may be changes in the temperature, humidity levels, and air pressure around you. For instance, you may notice sudden drops in temperature or changes in the wind. Therefore, it's crucial to pay attention to weather changes as well.

5. Gut Instinct



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