9 reasons lead to the failure of married life (01)

 9 reasons lead to the failure of married life (01)

There is no perfect human relationship on the ground, and marriage is no exception to this rule, as this sacred relationship goes through many problems and difficulties.
The "phero" website lists the most common problems between couples that lead to the dissolution and failure of marital ties.

Partner change

One of the most common problems in couples is the attempt to change the behavior and character of the partner, as this contributes to the destabilization of married life.

Poor time management

Dealing with work and other activities at the expense of the partner often leads to neglect and distancing from the other party, which leads to apathy between the spouses making their lives a mere routine.

financial problems

The misconduct of one or both partners in financial matters can lead to problems between them. Extravagance and waste have dire consequences and consequences that have a negative impact on the marital relationship.

Distraction of focus after childbirth

After having children, the woman devotes her attention to taking care of her and is busy satisfying her needs, resulting in cold feelings towards the husband.

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