9 reasons lead to the failure of married life(02)

 9 reasons lead to the failure of married life(02)

reasons lead to the failure of married life


Infidelity can occur due to the lack of love and understanding between man and woman and is one of the most serious problems between couples that threatens the structure of the family.


reasons lead to the failure of married life

After years of marriage, one or both parties get bored because of the lack of adequate communication with the other, so the couple should make positive changes in their lives from time to time.


There is no doubt that every person can make mistakes, so the other party must forgive and forgive him, and the lack of forgiveness in married life leads to the emergence of endless problems.

Lack of appreciation

If the estimate is low or non-existent, the rate of conflict between the two parties increases and the frequency of problems between them increases.

Preoccupation with smartphones

reasons lead to the failure of married life

One of the most common problems of our time is that one of the spouses allows the technology to interfere and deal with it while eating or surfing the Internet, and this leads to a decrease in communication between men and women.


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